WheelChair Rental Lawrenceville

Wheelchairs for Rent in Lawrenceville

By now, there has come a lot of mobility devices in market, but still, there is no mobility device that can fade the importance of wheel chair. Wheel chair is one of the earliest mobility devices; however, its importance cannot be ignored. Still, when someone comes across the need of a reliable mobility device, the option of wheel chair is always given priority. Meanwhile, if you are looking for wheelchairs for rent in Lawrenceville, we, the Total Care Medical Supply are there to serve your cause in the best possible manners.

Convinced about the importance of wheelchairs, let us have a quick comparison of manual and electric wheel chairs.

Manul or Electric Wheelchair - What Suits You the Best?

Whether you need a manual or electric wheelchair, we can serve you for both of these; however, it is better to identify if you need a manual wheelchair or electric one.

1. Ease of Mobility

When it comes to ascertain the ease of mobility for manual and electric wheelchair – the later one stands out the former one. Manual wheel chair requires manual force to move from one place to other. But this is not the case with electric wheel chair which is powered by a powerful rechargeable battery. Once the battery is charged, you can use it to cover small to medium-ranged distance.

2. Which is More Comfortable

We, the Total Care Medical Supply offer wheelchair rentals in Lawrenceville for both short and long term. However, you need to choose which one you need. Electric wheel chairs are designed for improved mobility for greater distances thus provided with improved padding and cushioning. When compared with manual wheel chair, the electric wheel chair out ranks manual wheel chair here as well.

3. Transportability

When it comes to the transportation of wheel chair, no doubt, manual wheel chair is easy to transport because of its less weight. You can easily transport a manual wheelchair from one place to another. On the other hand, an electric wheel chair is comparatively hard to transport because of its weight.

How Does It Work ?

Bring a valid ID. We do not require a deposit. Customers can pick up any of the equipment from our store location to avoid delivery charges. Please call to confirm equipment availability. We accept cash, checks, and all major credit cards.

Call 770 963 0034
